Vindresurser och placering
Ett kritiskt steg i ett vindenergiprojekt är placeringen av parken och att utvärdera alla inblandade nyckelfaktorer med så hög noggrannhet som möjligt för att kunna optimera platsval, layout, ingångsvärden för val av turbin. Placeringen innehåller uppskattning av vindresurser inklusive interaktion med topografi (som sträcker sig från platt till komplex) och land/havsförhållanden (möjligen både hav, land, skogsområden). När en lämplig plats och interaktion med lokala förhållanden har identifierats, behöver interaktionen mellan turbiner och eventuellt också mellan parker undersökas noggrant, inklusive studier av turbinvakar och parkvakar. I denna del ingår även en lastsbedömning. I placeringsfasen ingår även uppskattning av effekter av kallt klimat och nedisning, konstruktionsdelar och miljöbedömning.
Forskningsprojekt inom temaområdet:
HiFiWake - Enabling High-fidelity Wind Farm Modelling for Industrial Applications
The complexity of Northern European wind conditions and new grid requirements for wind farm control challenge the state of industrial wind farm modelling. High-fidelity large-eddy simulation (LES) is considered the most accurate tool for such modelling tasks.
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A European Industrial Doctoral Network granted under the Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions which are the EU flagship programme for doctoral training.
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Atmospheric Flow Loads and Power for Wind Energy – FLOW
The development of the wind energy industry has given place to an increasing capability to build larger wind turbines. The scale of the upcoming generation of rotors is so large that they will face an increasing range of atmospheric events that belong to the uppermost regions of the boundary layer.
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Trends such as larger wind farms and larger wind turbine rotors require high fidelity models such as large-eddy simulation (LES) to predict and understand the underlying aerodynamic and meteorological phenomena.
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GoSET – High-Fidelity Wind Farm Simulations for a Sustainable Energy System on Gotland
The island of Gotland will be the first region in Sweden to be powered solely by renewable energy. The vast majority of electricity will be supplied by wind energy, with a swath of new wind farms being planned around the island with ever increasing size.
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Farmblockage - validation of model possibilities
Wind farm blockage is a multifaceted phenomenon consisting of a combination of several effects from the induction of individual wind turbines to large-scale atmospheric conditions that control mixing and flow patterns.
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WHYBS – Wind and Hydrogen systems
The rapid development of the offshore wind industry and decrease in cost is a realistic recourse to reach 100% renewable systems. However, in local or regional energy system the fluctuation of energy might be problematic.
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